Automatic uploads of Android apk files to Google Play

To save time you can automate the process of uploading new apk files to Google Play using tools like gradle-play-publisher or fastlane. The process is simple. First you have to create a Google Service account and download the created p12 file. In the Google Play console you have to configure the access for this account. … Continue reading “Automatic uploads of Android apk files to Google Play”

To save time you can automate the process of uploading new apk files to Google Play using tools like gradle-play-publisher or fastlane.

The process is simple. First you have to create a Google Service account and download the created p12 file. In the Google Play console you have to configure the access for this account. And you have to add a few sections to your project’s gradle files. You can find instructions for it on the gradle-play-publisher website.

Then you can download all your existing descriptions with this command:

./gradlew bootstrapReleasePlayResources

And to just upload a new apk file for a release or a alpha/beta version use this command:

./gradlew clean publishApkRelease

or this if you are using App Bundles

./gradlew clean publishBundle

It also uploads the contents of the “whatsnew” files as changelog to the Google Play store.